Mobile applications

Reach your users through mobile applications and present them your services and products in a new and innovative way.


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Applications for smartphones
Mobile applications
Web sites and applications
We offer you:
  • visualisations and design,
  • web site creation and search engine optimization,
  • strengths and weaknesses analysis with web entry plan,
  • hosting and domain registration.


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Your window to the world
Web applications
Facebook applications

Use social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn...) for advertising and present your services in innovative and effective way.

We take care of your presentation, posts, statuses, we develop games and applications ...


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Talk social networks
Facebook applications
Custom applications

Do you have an idea? We have knowledge and experiences to lead you to your goal. Trust our analists and engineers who will bring your idea with consulating and technology insight to most suitable solution. Most suitable solution is the one that best fits your needs and requirements.


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From an idea to your goal.
Custom applications

Kaj vam ponujamo?

Predstavite se s spletno stranjo

Postavite si spletno stran in predstavite svoje podjetje in svoje izdelke. Naj o vas berejo, kar boste o sebi napisali sami. Preberi več


Prenovite izgled vaše spletne strani

Naj vaša spletna stran izgleda mamljivo in prijetno. Lepa spletna stran se prodaja sama. Ekipa izkušenih ilustratorjev in designerjev bo poskrbela za najlepšo uporabniško izkušnjo. Preberi več


Ponudite kvalitetno vsebino

Ključni faktor vsake spletne strani je ponuditi kvalitetno vsebino na način, ki bo pritegnil stranke nazaj na vašo stran in jih prisilil, da o vas povedo drugim. Vsebinski marketing je prihodnost. Preberi več


Facebook za podjetja

Izkoristite največje socialno omrežje in si pridobite zveste uporabnike. Profesionalna predstavitev, upravljanje vsebine, oglaševanje, interakcija z uporabniki, nagrajevanje, zabava, ..., množica možnosti. Katere ste že preizkusili? Zakaj ne izkoristite vseh?! Preberi več


Izkoristite mobilne naprave

Vedno večji nabor naprav, ki jih uporabniki (vaše stranke) uporabljajo vsak dan, za delo in zabavo. Bodite tam, kjer so vaši uporabniki. Ponudite vsebine, igre, zabavne aplikacije, ki bodo povečale prepoznavnost vaše blagovne znamke, produkta, storitev. Preberi več

Why choose us?

“My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was less competition there.”

Indira Gandhi (1917 - 1984)


Why choose us?


  • We believe that work leads to quality of services - development, project management, testing, specifications and documentation,
  • We know various technologies that make it possible to view problems in different perspectives and consequentially give more possibilities and better choices,
  • We don't forget, although technical knowledge and expertise might be overwhelming, it is design that catches the eye,
  • We understand customer needs and we want to fulfil it perfectly,
  • We believe in transparency and flexibility.